As we all know, we need to import and install BizTalk assemblies in order to use at run time and these assemblies get GACed during install operation and inserted into BizTalkMgmtDb database during import operation. If we are not updating version for the assemblies and overwrite with new assemblies each time(although this is not preferrable), it is important to make sure that assemblies are imported and installed correctly.
We can easily verify the timestamp on assemblies in GAC to make sure that Install operation is successful. We can verify import operation of Schemas by looking at schema content(not timestamp though) inside BizTalk Admin Console(
=>Schemas=> =>Right click and choose Schema View). But unfortunately there is no such direct way to verify contents or timestamp of other types of BizTalk artifacts like map, orchestration etc. A work around to verify that would be to query against bts_assembly table in BizTalkMgmtDb database*. Here is a sample query to view recently deployed assemblies on top of the result set,
select * from bts_assembly order by dtDateModified desc
*Microsoft does not recommend accessing BizTalk databases directly.